Saturday, November 7, 2009

weekend thus far

I'm having a great time with Olly. N and I's conversation has not been affecting the weekend as much as I thought it would. I just have the feeling that things are gonna work out for the best and that he will let me either have Olly for good or he will continue to let me take him as I do now.

I hadn't heard from N at all until about 15 minutes ago. He called and asked me if I had a minute to talk... of course, I freak out bc I think he wants to talk about the whole O situation and I figured the fact that I hadn't heard from him at all couldn't be a good thing. But all is good, he wanted to vent to me about some of our old highschool buddies (he went to one of their wedding receptions tonight) because they told him that he was "flaky" and unreliable and that really hurt his feelings. SHE apparently blew him off when he tried to talk with her about how it upset him so of course, he calls the one person he knows will listen... me. As far as I could tell, she did not go with him to the reception because she doesn't like his friends. I also heard that all the guys there were telling him that he was an idiot for not fighting for me because she was so horrible and that they thought this was the stupidest thing he's ever done (thanks guys! ha) I always knew Ns friends liked me but I also knew that they thought I nagged him too much. I guess now they view me as the lesser of two evils in the predicament that he's in and are realizing that he had it much better when he was with me. Definitely makes a girl feel better when her ex's friends are constantly telling him how stupid he is for giving her up.

N and I briefly talked about how I wanted to go ahead and get O groomed and have his tear ducts unclogged over thanksgiving and he agreed that would be good so I am assuming that I will get to take Olly for thanksgiving like I planned. I am still avoiding the whole "will I have him for good" deal because I cant do anything about it until Dec so why worry until the time comes. Okay, maybe I'm just scared so I am pretending the issue isn't there.

We'll see if he brings it up tomorrow when I drop O off (or if he'll even be there when i get there). Ill try to post again tomorrow with the low down.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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