Friday, November 20, 2009

Today is not my day.

Subleaser texted.

University denied her contract break.

Im screwed.

Im stressed.

Im overwhelmed.

Im really tired of everything going wrong.

I cried in front of one of my professors this morning.

so classy.

I asked N to have O groomed this weekend so I can have his tear ducts unclogged while Im home. He said he cant because he is tight on money until Christmas. Oh really? and you think Im not? Im the one who has paid for everything O related for the past 3 months. I am going to talk to N about everything again on Tuesday when I go home. I refuse to pay for every possible expense and then not get to see him more often than 2x a month. I figure, what do I have to lose by saying something? (well, other than Olly)... At this point, things couldnt possibly get any worse than they already are. On second thought, Im sure it can.

Today is not my day.

1 comment:

  1. Dont give up! I am sure there is a better place out there for you!! A Place you are meant to have. Keep you chin up!!!



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