Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I know Ive been boring as all get out lately and I apologize. I have seriously flipped myself into "just get through the day mode." I think Im doing this (even though i know I shouldnt) because it makes it easier to not think of N when I keep myself rediculously busy. So again, Im really sorry Im so boring

Hmmm what did I do today?
  • got up at 8 after feeling like my head had JUST hit the pillow
  • Chem Lab where I felt like what was being asked of us made NO SENSE at all... apparently everyone else agreed.
  • Rush over to practice a speech with my group before class time
  • (stuff my face with leftovers that I warmed up)
  • Presentation (we were in a time crunch so by the time it was my turn to talk, I was speed-talking as to not go over out limit)
  • Ate lots of candy to congratulate myself for a presentation well done!
  • Run to parking deck, drive home, change out of nice clothes, throw on sweats, call sonographer who I am suppose to interview, get yelled at because office manager was mad that HER sonographer agreed to do that without her permission, back to square 1 finding someone to interview, get in car, book it back to campus.
  • Drop off Operation Xmas Child boxes to be sent out
  • Meet with potential subleaser (yes, the same one) and give her the subleasing application and co-signer form so it can be completed over the weekend
  • Head to class early, try to get CHEM lab done
  • Chem Class... try not to fall asleep by playing solitaire
  • Stay 30 minutes after because he decided to pass out our IN CLASS assignment 10 minutes before class ended when they are 30-40 minute sheets
  • drag my butt home
  • make chicken & dumplings (yum!)
  • will myself to get off the coach and go meet a friend to study for our biomechanics quiz tomorrow...
okay, okay... Im going, Im going....

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