Saturday, November 21, 2009

Im really excited

One of my best friends who is a design major with a concentration in photography asked me to be a model for one of her projects. Now, I will say, I am like the most un-photogenic person you will ever meet so I was excited when she told me that these would be "non-identifying" photographs. I thought of posting some of her work so that you guys could see what to expect but I decided against it. (haha sorry) Id like to just wait and let you see what we come up with. Hopefully we'll get them all done and worked on this weekend so I can post some early next week. For now, I have some work to do to prepare for what I want these pictures to portray. I know you are confused- ha- but you'll see soon enough! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about the subleaser, that sucks! And N needs to cough up some can't have O but you can pay the bills, go fly a kite dude!

    I can't wait to see the photos of you. Unphotgenic my butt, you are so cute in all your photos that I have seen. If you are unphotogenic than you must be 100x prettier than you are in those pics.


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