Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another.... When did THAT happen?

I have always loved children.
I started being a "mothers helper" when I was 11 and have never looked back.
Over the years, I have watched many children and have had the opportunity to watch many grow up. Going away to school as been tough because I only see the kids every few months or so.

Well.... last night I babysat for the VERY FIRST family I ever babysat for when I was 11. This family is like my family and man, do I love those three boys!

Anyways- after I put everyone to bed last night- I began calculating just how long Ive been with this family. I started watching J when he was 6 months old and he is now 11!

.... so that means....

I have been babysitting for these boys for over a DECADE!!!!!

Man... do I feel old!

When did THAT happen????

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