Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"The very worst part is that the
moment you think you're past it,
it starts all over again."

- Grey's Anatomy

1 comment:

  1. You will know you are over him, when you can sleep through the night. That is how I knew I was over someone becuase I was finally able to sleep through the night without waking up and feeling like my heart was broken. I will never forget dreaming about him and waking up so upset. I wish I could hug you Alison. I know how much your pain hurts and I still remember it like it was yesterday eventhough it was 6 years ago. I think B is a fool, and I wish he would come to his senses.

    The phone game, I think it gives you the little control you need because you lost all other control over this situation.

    I put something on my blog that might give you some hope (it is school related but you will love it, I think)!


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